Let me help u out.. -
02-01-2003, 11:29 PM
i know a good amount of modern weapons and if i screw up feel free anyone to correct me
my ideas r in ()
Colt=Glock (beretta), (desert eagle)
Garand=? "M14 good idea who ever thought of it"
03=? (M21) [Modified sniper of the M14 for semi-auto only],(M40A1 bolt action)
Tommy gun=? (MP5 Navy version), (P-90), (UMP)
BAR=M16 (M4A1 Carbine), (better yet the OICW), (better still the M60-E3)
shottie=Italian Fenesi Special Purpose (or the Benelli)
P38=Walther p2k (sounds good)
mauser=? (G41)
KAR98=? (PSG-1)
ermpa=Heckler and knoch smg (MP5K-PDW), (SMGII)
Mp44(StG 44)=Ak-47 (i'd say the G36) "use the AK for a spearhead version
well that's it let me know if u need help with a spearhead version cool: