02-02-2003, 01:13 AM
i read this intire thread..i find it really sad that there are people in this world no matter what country your from that would use it to bash someone else when it was ment as a tribute to the 7 flyers who LOST THERE LIVES TODAY!!!!...i find it sickining and disgusting...not only that but the language used here was also sickining...i dont need to quote know who you are.if your not ashamed of what went on here you should not going to name names but if i were an admin at this moment i know a few people who would be wonderin why their password doesnt work anymore.theres a universal thing called respect for the dead. it pretty much covers all countrys.a lot of prople in this thread said they were sad at what your not or you would have been thinking of the flyers and familys and posted about that instead of what you did say.its also suprising you have the nerve to just show up here like everything is problem..just another flame war.SHURE IT IS..TO YOU...truth of the matter is..your ignorant...that crew was multi national...and our hearts should go out to each and every one of them.i posted in this thrread a while back..right now id pay money to get my post outa here..i dont want the rest of the moh community to think i share the same imiture ignorant ideas ive seen displayed in this those of you who gave your condolences i say good for the rest i say again...YOUR LUCKY IM NOT AN ADMIN HERE.i wouldnt lock the just cut way back on the people who could post here again...or any place else on this form. makes me ashamed to say im a member here.