02-02-2003, 01:42 AM
How come i can't say the word "nigger" without ruffling some feathers but it's ok to knock the living shit out of somebody's country? Don't you jackasses realize that people have given their lives for their respective countries? Does that mean anything to anybody here? I'd like to line up all you lil' fuckers and kick the livin shit outta ya's out of respect for all the people who lost their lives fighting for their countries. You fuckers disgust me.
And Pyro, you hit an all time low with me with your retarded thoughts. It doesn't matter who or where a tragedy like that took place. The bottom line is that some people lost their lives today and it's only human to feel some emotion no matter what gender, race, ethnic background, or from whatever country they were from. To not feel anything is not right.
All i have to say is that one day....yes, one day, all this shit will come full circle and it will affect you in some way. Remember, every dog has his day!!
The world is my urinal