Thread: FG42???
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Wolfshook is Offline
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Default 01-02-2002, 08:38 AM

Actually the FG-42 is not an assault rifle, the STG44 was the world's first assault rifle.

The Fallschirmgewehr42 was considered by the German army, to be more like a light machine gun, or a machine carbine.

The FG42 was gas operated, fitted with a permaneantly attached folding bipod, and could be fired in automatic or single shot mode.

A compensator was attached to the muzzle, and there was made provision for a telescopic sight, although these were rare, and were not the norm for this weapon. A bayonet could also be attached to the end.

The magazine was horizontal to the FG42, on the left of the receiver. Aperture rear sight is graduated from 100 to 1,200 meters. The safety is located on the left side above the pistol grip, and the lever for selecting automatic or single shot is placed above and to the rear of the trigger.

Caliber: 7.92mm
Weight: 9 pounds
Feed: 20 round magazine

Again, the scoped version was very rare, but this is the best picture I I used it.

34th SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division Landstorm Nederland

"Meine Ehre heißt Treue"

[This message has been edited by Wolfshook (edited January 02, 2002).]
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