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Default 02-02-2003, 09:09 PM

Here is the deal :

someone told me about a cheat-site and i was curious about what things were out there. so i signed up and after about 3 weeks or so, i decided to start making some cheats myself, based off of the originals that had been put out. well after a few weeks of that, I came back to and said i was thru with cheating and whatnot and everything was fine, but the flames continued. i was allowed on the AAN server to play as long as I minded my manners. but with all the flaming and constant harassment (on and off the forums), i got sick of it and started using a SH command to reboot the AAN server over and over to piss them off (which was my big mistake). then i continued to make cheats until i finally got sick of ruining this game which i truly love to play (Middle of December '02), and made my final decision to help this game instead of ruining it. so i came back here and have been beaten verbally since while i continue to map and skin the game and help work on an anticheat program.

some people cant grasp that im here to help (permanently). They auto-assume that i am the reason the game is going down. What a crock of shit. yes i admit i was a stupid asshat before with switching sides n shit, but with all the flames under my belt, i have learned a few things.

1. respect is earned, definently not given.
2. it is much more rewarding to map n skin versus making cheats.
and 3. ive learned how much of a pain in the ass it can be to go up against a cheater, which i once was. at this point in time when I spot a cheater, i wanna fuckin' expose them but with no proof i cant do a damn thing.

thats about the jist of it all. believe what you want, but im here and there is no reason for me not to be. we are all on the same side in the longrun. gotta remember that.

thanks for listening and since i know you will all say "fuckin moron" and "your lying and you are ruining this game", i will just ignore your stupid bullshit as usual.
