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I cant frikin play mohaa
zck250 is Offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Default I cant frikin play mohaa - 02-02-2003, 09:37 PM

Ive had MOHAA + SH running fine for a while now, then because of the recent cd key problem, ive reinstalled everything several times. Now, i cant even play Allied Assault single player. Spearhead isnt installed, and i even used a reg cleaner program before reinsatlling AA. Game + 1.11 patch install went fine, but when i try to play the first mission, i immediately get a message that says there was a problem and windows must close the program. This is really driving me crazy mad: , so if u can help,,,,,, then please help.

Windows xp Pro sp1 (dx9)
Radeon 8500 w/ most recent dx9 drivers (6255)

Could dx9 be the issue?
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