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Default 02-02-2003, 11:18 PM

god what a bunch of whinning candian highschoolers. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why cant my country be on american television? maybe because its american television.? ever think of that? all i hear is jealousy and immaturity . its laughable. guess what, those 7 ppl who died in canada yesterday in the skiing accident wasnt reported as a huge tragedy in american television because, guess what, it happened in canada. makes sense doesnt it? im sure it was all over your media. cant you guys open your little minds up to see the big picture here? heh your all so anti government and anarchists...such typical teenage behavior. when you grow up a bit youll see. yes cnn is very biased, but why does everyone care so much? who gives a shit. dont watch it. your sick of stupid celebrity news and presidential accidents like the bush pretzel thing and wynonna ryder etc....well stop watching access hollywood and entertainment tonight then. come on you have the choice, exercise your right and change the god damn channel. heh young'ns are so funny biggrin:
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