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synapses11 is Offline
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Default 02-03-2003, 02:52 AM

how do you get sounds from type though?

Ok the way it works is that your not putting new sounds on your server. Its a text file on the server that basically says play this file on the persons computer when someone gets killed. There is 8 random death sounds and 25 random pain sounds half of the pain sounds were null.wav meaning it doesnt play any. but I changed the 12 or so null aliases to real wavs.

alias playerdeathsound1 = /main/sounds/dialogue/a/death/death1.wav

So basically all Im doing is finding substitute sounds that come with mohaa but arent used in multiplayer and change death1.wav to otherdeathsound.wav You probably can change the sound grenades to something silly too if you wanted to but the one rule you have to go by is that the sound has to be in the default mohaa sound library folder.

The server tells your computer to play that wav instead. Thats the only way it could ever be a server side sound mod.
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