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subwaysjared is Offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Default 02-03-2003, 08:14 AM

I agree with McCusker and nStuff; It's the damned whiners that ruin everything. Something I've noticed with increased frequency lately is that people out there complain about EVERY SINGLE WEAPON. I kid you not, I've seen it. Every weapon has it's set of whiners; from Stg Whores to Shotgun Newbies, and yes even riflemen take flak as "campers." Now I'm not saying that every rifleman out there is a camper, but due to the weapon's features, I believe it should be used as a long range supporting fire weapon. Personally, I use a more gung-ho method of rifling, but I also know when to take cover. I also happen to be a fan of the shotgun. It is sometimes the best weapon to use on certain levels. In any type of cramped quarters, it simply cleans house. Don't run through closed in spaces and not expect to run into one of these things. Just take it slow and toss 'nades around corners or simply find more open ground. If these whiners are such accomplished players why haven't they figured out a defense against these weapons? Shottie got ya down? Stay outta tight quarters. Stg's buggin' ya? Guess what, he probably moves a lot slower than you do, use it to your advantage. If your problem is rocket noobs, well, I don't think I need to mention the reload dance those guys have to perform. Are campers gettin' your goat? Learn the layout of the level; there's a reason why they're called campers, go and find 'em. Tired of being hit by a hail of hot lead from an smg? Duck and cover. Let the guy bait you but don't take it. Chances are the guy will keep firing long after you've jumped behind something; listen for the inevitable reload. I can only hope that I've gotten a few points across. Whether anybody listens, well that remains to be seen.

Subway! Eat Fresh!