02-03-2003, 09:23 AM
It wasn't terrorism. There isn't a weapon in anyone's military arsenal, including ours, that could hit a target at that altitude and speed. Even ICBM's couldn't do it. They travel too low and too slow in comparison.
I think NASA's record is simply amazing. Consider the space shuttles are THE most complex machines ever made by man with over 2,000,000 distinct components. They are old. The Columbia first flew in 1981. Most cars on the road aren't 22 years old. The remaining shuttles are expected to perform their duties for another 10-15 years as we develop the next generation of shuttle.
It's a shame we as a nation grow so accustomed to hearing about shuttle missions we barely pay attention. I must admit I'm one of those people. It takes a tragedy such as this to wake us up to the dangers involved. It's unfortunate there was a loss of life. Considering the factors involved, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. I hold those involved in the space program in the highest regard. Two incidents in 15 years or so... that's a damn good record IMO.
To those that lost their lives on the Space Shuttle Columbia: Thank you for your bravery. Thank you for your sacrifice's, both in life and death. Without people like you we as a species would not reach out and achieve things thought impossible. May you rest in peace and may your families and friends find comfort in knowing that you're all heros.