Originally Posted by Bane
Just go away? Why? Because he tells it like it is? I haven't been here long and don't post with great frequency but even I've seen these forums go down the toilet. Granted, some of the bickering is humorous, but most is totally unnecessary and completely offtopic. 90% of this website is total dribble. If I were BS I'd pull the plug on this shithole and wash my hands of it. The only reason I stick around is to possibly find someone who needs a hand who hasn't been flamed to a crisp for being a n00b. And let me tell ya, they're few and far between.
Careful, thats how you get sucked into the flaming and bickering. evil:
I hear what you say about 90% being total dribble, but what would you have us do? If we only stuck to new topics, we would have maybe 4 new threads a week.