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Default 02-03-2003, 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by Bane
Sorry pest. I didn't mean anything negative towards you. You're one of the few who post something worth reading... and use punctuation... but that's another topic altogether.

Obviously this is just my opinion, but just don't reply. Why add fuel to the fire? No fuel and the fire dies. I see your point, though. If you want to participate in these forums you almost HAVE to flame because that's all there is to respond to. It's too bad...
Dont worry about me, I am fire proof.

I know I can be a bit antagonistic, but I try not to flame for the sake of flaming. It doesnt always work. I mostly like to be there when someone says something stupid, and point it out. evil: Its a character flaw, I know, but people like powell and ED make it too tempting.