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Never throw a snowball in holland...
Tha Great One is Offline
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Default Never throw a snowball in holland... - 02-04-2003, 07:05 AM

there were a few kids (13,14 years old) having a snowball fight in the street, 1 snowball hit a car that was driving by, the driver the stepped out of the car en went to the boy.
He grabbed his knive and stabbed the 14 year old boy 6 times.

the kid died in the hospital and the driver went to the police to turn himself in.


A few kids were having a snowball fight on a parking garage (again 13 year olds) and 1 snowball went over the edge of the parking garage and hit a car.

so the kid went to the edge of the parking garage to apologize but then the driver came out og the car and grabbed his gun and shot the kid through his head.

this happened in ROTTERDAM.
too bad we dont have a freakin death penalty cuz these 2 guys deserver it.. mad:
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