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New Omaha Beach SP level...
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Default New Omaha Beach SP level... - 02-04-2003, 11:46 AM

i hope i didnt disappoint anyone with the title, but hopefully i can get some answers together and actually post a new Omaha SP level...

This is my idea-
Use the SP and MP for Omaha Beach as grounds to create a similar, but more realistically modified and deeper beach level.

Modification Ideas-
1) Darker sky, (SPR and MoH:FL conveyed this much more realistically)
2) Smoke billowing from the beach head, possibly fire and debris as well
3) Planes, it would add a shitload of excitement to have dogfights taking place a few feet above, like in (MoH:FL)
4) In the SP Omaha Beach, you dont get to go more than a few feet out of the pillbox before the level ends, if you cheat using "noclip" you can see that there is artillery (with the pulsing red box, like in the MP level) and more gun emplacements, it would add more depth to the level if you could exit the pillbox and massacre a few Nazis in a trench a la SPR

Yeah, this is easily the longest post I've ever made, if you had the patience to read it, thanks.

Please reply if you are interested in working on this, or if it is possible to do myself...
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