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Default 02-04-2003, 12:41 PM

We will payout in whatever currency you want, just let us know. And Doomsday, no offense taken bro, I completely understand where you and allot of other people are coming from. Ive been scammed many times myself on the net. It sucks that there are people like that out there. I kinda figured people would be a little hesitant to participate, i mean I would be to. I was hesitant to begin this project at first, but the more I got into it, the more this project became feasible. We just want to offer an alternative to the every day On-Line gaming community. Right now we are going MOHAA because its the second biggest online game next to CS. We hope to offer contest in other games as well. For right now though, all we are asking is for people to give us a chance to show them this is legit and we mean! So if you can, join in our contests and see for yourself. We have nothing to hide from anyone. And if you wanna chat with me, i have just installed a jIRC applet on our site which will take you into our chat room on mIRC. You do not have to have mIRC installed to use it. Ifmyself or some who is there does not respond right away, have no fear I check there often. So stop on in.

Oh yeah do you have any suggestions as to how we can show people this is for real and that we are not trying to scam anyone? Give me your ideas (this is for anyone who reads this)

Hope to see you on the battlefield!
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