02-04-2003, 08:12 PM
While Im sure arkitek is a good person IRL guys dont fall for this. Id be willing to bet its a scam even if they DO pay out to the winners. As soon as he mentioned PayPal I knew what was going on even without going to the site...
Everybody pays like $10 to enter but only $8 goes to the pot. Whatever it is I could set this up and make a weeks pay for one night. Even if its legit its been prooven the only way to do this legit without much chance of cheating is a big LAN where they have guys who watch the players first hand.
arkitek you may be a nice guy and you may not. All Im saying is I have seen this spur-of-the-moment thing before and for al we know the winner will be your room mate. Be carefull here is all Im saying guys.