02-04-2003, 08:37 PM
Hitler was an asshole, period. He was militarily stupid as well as the most evil dumbass in history. He had good generals who were responsible for Germany's early victories, but when "Der Furhrer" started calling the shots, Germany started losing. He got his ass kicked by the Allies, get over it! FREEDOM WON! USA, Canada, UK, France, Poland, Australia, (there's too many allied nations to mention here, there was around 50 by the end of the war). Anybody that believes that Nazi bullshit should do the world a favor and follow their leader and stick a pistol in their mouth, pull the trigger, and blow their damn brains out!
If he was so great, why did he and his "master race" get their ass whipped?
If the western allies hadn't carried out Overlord, either Stalin would have sued for peace or the Red Army would have liberated western Europe, putting it under a Communist regime almost as bad as the Nazis. For the Canadians in Overlord, if they and the Brits had not guarded our left flank and widened the invasion area, the Americans would have been driven back because the Germans could have concentrated on Omaha and Utah, and if the US had not taken Omaha and Utah so the allies could get Cherbourg, the supply line would have dried up. It was a team effort. Neither US or UK or Canada could have done it alone.
I may be arrogant, but you're stupid, you Fascist dickhead!