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Default 02-05-2003, 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by sponge
i guess no one feels like calling well before you guys start saying scam this and scam that, did you read anything i wrote? prolly not, prolly just skipped to the last post and made your replies (well some of you anyway). But as for Jasper and Bazooka Joe, you havent even tried to call me, you havent sent any emails asking us questions, nothing. Jasper what did you say "All Im saying is I have seen this spur-of-the-moment thing before" How can you say this is a spur of the moment thing? Were you involved with the idea or the implementation of that idea? It took us about 2 months to put this together and its very typical of nay sayers such as yourself and bazooka to run around yelling SCAM SCAM SCAM! Have you even read whats on the site? I dopnt think so. Heres why. Right now we are having 1 contest. Thats tomorrow right? Ok. It's $7.50 Right? Ok We need 15 people right? Ok 7.50 x 15=$112.00 Ok? Good. Now you said "I could set this up and make a weeks pay for one night." $112? man you need another but anyway the point is we only take $20.00, which leaves $92.00 right? Ok now if you had read what was on the website, youde see that $62 goes to 1st place, $20.00 to 2nd, and $10.50 to 3rd. So you see how that goes? And just because we use PAYPAL doesnt mean this is a scam as you stated "As soon as he mentioned PayPal I knew what was going on even without going to the site..." You just assume you know the drill before you even GO to the site. COme on thats a little bias dont you think. Yes im sure your a good person to, but its the good people like you who speak before they actually knows whats going on that ruin allot of good things before they can get off the ground. So like i said if you wanna call me and talk to please do (915)598-7248 ask for Thomas, cuz thats my real name. Dont hide behind your screen name, CALL ME lets talk. Cuz i know for a fact you dont have the balls to!
I'm not reading all that from a guy with a fro.
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