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Default 02-05-2003, 10:11 AM

Holy fuck. Do my eyes deceive me ?!?! More bitching and moaning ?? When will it all end ?? oOo: cry: eek: ed:

First of all, Anti Hero and Tripper, stop posting naked pics of your loved ones here. I'm asking you politely to stop, Joe has been emailing me like mad about this, frankly, I've been doing other things more important lately to really care, but I'm asking you now, so come on, throw me a freakin bone here, please dont do it.

Secondly, who banned Anti Hero ? I sure didnt, so that must narrow it down to BS. I can understand why he was banned, and the reasons behind it. Please guys, when we tell you not to do something here, we mean dont do it, it's as simple as that, and if you keep doing it, you will get the flick. Ofcourse you all have your ways of coming back, so banning seems rather redundant.

It seems to me that the downfall of this forum has been inacted by alot of the posters here. Not the Mods. We are trying to keep the peace here, trying to make it ENJOYABLE for EVERYONE. Not just YOU. I mean, posting pics of naked fat ladies, pictures of shit, links to porn and cheat sites, constant flaming, it's not the Mods who are causing this, it's YOU. This isnt your site to do this on, this is BadScripts site, so what gives you the right to do this ? What gives you the right to make our job (which we graciously volunteered to do in our spare time) a bitch to do ? All we ask in return is that you guys simply follow the rules, I mean, it's not hard, just read through them and do what they tell you to do. If you have a question about a certain rule and it's boundries and limits, ASK US, dont post then find out the hard way !!

Once again, the Mods here are not the ones that have made this place such a shithole, it's the abundance of cocky, arrogant and immature individuals who make it their everyday "job" to make this place a mess. Smarten up is all I have to say. I've asked you kindly, and I will ask you kindly again, but there wont be a third time lucky.