Enjoying both, had UT2 6 days ago, got Road to Rome today, yet to play it, but I've heard it's not much of an expansion, just like Spearhead, 6 new maps, new player models and weapons...doesnt sound all that exciting.
UT2 on the other hand is quite a nice piece of work. I'm not the sort of person to sit down infront of a game and play it till its finished, that in my opinion is a waste. I tend to space the playing time and enjoy it thoroughly. Yes it may be a short game, but I think the gameplay, story and graphics are awesome, a true piece of gaming brilliance. It would be good if they could remake the orignal with this updated engine....would be very nice
I've also been enjoying FreeLancer a hell of a lot. The Beta has a few niggling bugs still, but apart from that, the graphics and gameplay (yes even with just a mouse to fly) are superb. Great story and features, nice choice of just going "freelance" or going along with the more linear story line. Microsoft and Digital Anvil have done a great job.
Also guys, no more help with where to get the stuff, that includes links like the one you gave Sloi, it's not allowed.