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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Posts: 123
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-03-2002, 12:26 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -McDonald-:

Siggi, im gunna tell you to FUCK OFF. you probably wont listen because you're a 40 year old cake boy that plays sim games and you like to register at forums so you can act like some mature adult around the "little kiddies" and correct everything they say and show us how mature you are. Why dont u get a fucking life and shut the fuck up. You're not liked, im hoping KK will finish u off....but since he has "toned down" i think uit may not be as harsh, but u asked for it cockmaster.


Heehee..."finish" me off? Meaning like you "started" me off or something? Oh deary me, you brats must actually believe foul language holds some kind of mysterious power. Is that why you make such abundant use of it, you think it's like punching the crap out of someone? Lol.

Thing is, when I was a kid we got a slap up the side of the head if we foul-mouthed someone. That was good cos it taught us not to do it and saved us from getting into the habit of sounding like gutter-born scum.
You poor sods, not only do you get away with it, you do it in a place where thousands of people get to see your shame. One day (alledgedly) you'll grow up and look back on moments like these and cringe with embarrassment.

I'll tell you why I'm hanging around here, apart from the fact I have an interest in MoH (I could hang at a 'more mature' forum)'s pure entertainment. You kids really crack me up. All the bitching, the cussing, the inane comments and remarks, it's the best fun I've had on the net in months. And bugger me, it's free!!! And anything aimed at me personally, that's a bonus. Why do you think I pulled KK's chain? Yep, you got it...personal side-show just pour moi.

But you'll do farm-boy, so come on, you can do better than that. Cake boy? Lol. You'll have to explain that one to me, us old fogies ain't up on the hip vernacular you young punks employ. Sounds kind of gay sure somebody hasn't had you up an alley sometime...? I'm "not liked"...ooh, I'm hurt Maccy baby, you sure know how to deliver the [good stuff, huh?
So anyway, I "asked for it"...and...I'm asking for some more! Can you fit me into your tight schedule, somewhere between the Brownies and the homework you have to do for "The Bigger Boys"?

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