02-05-2003, 11:49 AM
[quote:7e7b1]BF42 is one of the worst WWII games of all time in my books. At the same time it is one of the funniest actions EVER! Instead of trying to figure out why the hell the BAR kicks like the tommy should, why the freaking massive B-17s are pulling off fighter plane moves, why the Russians are packing M-18s, and how one guy is able control a gaint aircraft carrier, you just mock the BS and go with the flow! *gaps for air* This is NOT a WWII game, it's CE: 2...[/quote:7e7b1]
Yea you're right. They need to build the game and get someone with a connection that can handle 500 people so that we can get all stations manned on each sides carrier. That way we can get the true authentic feel that fanboys are screaming for.
Oh and you wont be able to disconnect - if you do, authentic SS agens come out of the screen and put a bullet in your head for desertion.