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Default 01-03-2002, 04:36 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JezusChr7st:
try enforcing
use your powers as moderator more

i know... there can be too much of a moderator
but you arnt really doing much at all really

if someone posts a thread bitching someone else out, give them a warning

if people come on here and curse a blue streak, give them a 1 week ban

you have to teach them not to act like that
respect other people


Hahaha, I get tough and I get shit on. So what am I supposed to do ? Polaris and I can delete or lock posts, we cant ban. We've told people right from wrong on many occasions, but they dont seem to listen. Until BadScript decides to up the power of Polaris and myself ( ), you'll have to put up with the way things are done.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BadScript:
Yeah we should regulate more, the first person I'd ban is the butthole who cursed in his subject over at Board of Developers about some Squad problems he's had with "n00bs" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hahahaha I wonder who that could be

And yes, what Badscript says is right and I back him 100%. I dont care for censorship, it's a poison and should be stopped.

The forums here are great, yes there are problems and if people want to call this place a "ghetto" then I guess I'll pull out my 9 and bust some caps biatch, aiight ?

Not every forum is like lalaland and has fuzzy white bunny rabbits and fairy's flittering all over the place promoting peace and harmony. What we have here is normal people, who talk how they wanna talk. Sometimes I dont fully agree with how things are said and then I'll do my job, as will Polaris and also Badscript.

If you dont like the way things are done here the simple thing to do would be to leave, or you could stick around and try and help us by telling us what you think is wrong and we will do our best to make it better. But I am, once again, strongly against any form of censorship, so dont bring that subject up again, because I dont think it will ever happen.


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[This message has been edited by BallisticWookie (edited January 03, 2002).]
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