02-05-2003, 08:36 PM
[quote="{1CAB}ThiRTeeN":45e1b]Yeah, piss off the UN that is a good idea..[/quote:45e1b]
The majority of the UN is made up off murderous dicatators, who gives a fuck about pissing them off. They did nothing about Iraq, they did nothing about internation terrorism, Bin Laden or any other group. It's always been the US taking the spearhead and doing what those chicken shits at the UN building couldnt do. You think the UN has your best interests at heart...fuck no. Granted, the US government doesnt either, but I know one thing. The US has done more in the last few years against terrorism and it's supporters than what was accomplished in the last 10, and I'm happy about that. Am I happy about the prospect of war ? No, is it an unjust war should one go ahead ? No, definately not.
All these people sprouting their crap about this war being unjust....have you really thought through the consequences of NOT going ahead with action ? The real threat here is biological and chemical weapons which Saddam and his lackeys have plenty off smuggled into other countries and hidden in yet again more unknown bunkers. If a nuclear weapon goes off over Washington, you are all dead anyway, but if a biological weapons, say anthrax, is detonated over Washington, that area will be infected for the next 100+ years, not too mention the spores will spread. This is a threat that has to be countered, and sitting on our asses saying this is an unjust war is playing into Saddams hand.
If he gives these weapons to a terrorist group who have the capability to launch at any target anywhere in the world, we are all in a world of shit, even more so than now. Think about the big picture for once. hake:
One last thing, the main backbone of the UN IS the United States, so pissing them off will do nothing anyway.