02-05-2003, 11:49 PM
[quote:7f885]DoD is alot funner than MOHAA, case closed. I bet his name probably crashed his DoD, there's like a bajillion Speirs's out there. [/quote:7f885]
Agreeeeeeeeeeeeed! I think this is maybe the second time I've agreed with you on this..
Anyways, I've been playing MOHAA since the demo and all the things that needed to be fixed or addresed still haven't been.
As for DoD.. take a seats students cause I'm schooling with KAR power! My weps are usually Kar,K43,Scoped Kar,MP44,StG44 ( or as n00bs call it the 'AK-47), Garand, and BAR. I can snipe pretty good, somtimes I do better with out the scope! Anyways stop by my clans server and knock round IRC.