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Default 02-06-2003, 12:58 AM

Originally Posted by BallisticWookie

Please tell me exactly why we shouldnt disarm Iraq ? I haven't heard a scrap of evidence why we shouldn't from you guys.

Tell me why we shouldnt take away a madmans arsenal or his ability to create these fucked weapons ?
Why clean the floor if it isn't dirty? Now I'm sure that Iraq is bull shitty through their teeth about their arms, but that isn't the point here. If Bush all of a sudden said that he was going to invade us (Canada) to take our water supply, remove our liberal leadership or whatever, I'm sure alot of people would be down right pissed off about. All this is doing is creating enemies towards the states... this is a prime example of why anti-american and anti-west terrorism groups exist in our world today! No wonder most of the world hates the US, when they cause these unjust wars and human suffering and then have the nerve to call it policing. ...Have you not learned enough from 'Nam? There are times to fight (the world wars for example) and there are times to keep the yanks at home...
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