02-06-2003, 04:16 PM
What are you talking about giving cheaters a bigger advantage on my server? Is that suppose to mean something to me? That makes no sense.. Giving a cheater even more of an advantage.. lol.
I'm only calling YOU a retarded cop-out moronic little boy.. Only you.. The rest of my insults are for you and all the other people out there that use Force Models for reasons like distinguishing friend from foe.
Yeah.. So you like your Force Models because it helps distinguish friend from foe.. *cough*cheap.. I rest my case.. Your so cheap.. And you do this without any regard for the other 20 players on the server that might not want you to see them in thoughs skins.
I don't consider what I said stupid. I still consider it my opinion and you make it look more factual with your honest excuse for using Force Models. And what are you talk about attention? You Strikor and a few others are just stupid shits that argue every opinion on the board. I have 600+ semi constructive posts.. You guys have 1000+ idiotic comments.