02-06-2003, 04:35 PM
You give the cheater an advantage because now, not only does he have bright skins, but now the non-cheaters have a hard time distinguishing the teams apart. that fine for free for all, but a team match should be a team match, uniforms and all.
The rest of my insults are for you and all the other people out there that use Force Models for reasons like distinguishing friend from foe.
That would be just about everyone here.
I dont give a flip if you think that the game as delivered is cheap. I dont care what you run on your server. The difference is, I dont go calling you names over and over because you have a different opinion. And of your 600+ semi constructive posts, I bet at least 100+ of them are of you calling people idiots for their opinion of realism.
Try carrying on an arguement without calling names. Maybe then we could actually hear what you are trying to say, without having to filter out the nonsense. The name calling shows a lack of imagination, and you really arent any good at it.[/i]