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Captain_McCusker is Offline
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Default 02-07-2003, 04:59 AM

I used to work for them, before they merged with AMFM. It was awesome working in a radio station, especially considering I created a department that was non-existent. But the corporation itself was incredibly hard to work for and in the end, my job lacked any real support it should have been given. And they screwed me on my 401K by dumping it all into stocks a month before I was layed off. If anyone knows the company well, this went from 60 points to 30+ on the market by the time I could retrieve it.

In any case, what Argon's saying is true. They're in the business of selling advertising and not selling music. That's why they don't care about the listener. What they do is increase listeners per avg. hour over time spent listening which boosts their overall ratings in the market. With the higher ratings, they can then sell to the national advertisers for more money. Eventually, they wanted to take markets below 100 and automate them using voice-overs from the larger markets like New York and LA. I can almost guaruntee that the radio station you're listening too the most is 90% of the time with no one at the switches, but actually producing commercials and promotions (to keep the ratings up).

Oh, and the guy who layed me off was fired shortly after because he didn't know how to cope with running four radio stations. evil:
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