02-07-2003, 05:44 AM
buck Fush.
The only reasons Dubya has for invading Iraq are
A. To finish up the little family fued started by DaDa Bush in 1991.
B. To take everybody's mind off the recession. Hell, mid-grade gas is $1.60 in most places!
It sickens me to see the US planning to invade a nation unprovoked. After Iraq, who's next, Poland, France, and Belgium? Hussein IS a dickhead, but so was Castro, Stalin, Krusckhev (sp?), Mao, and Pol Pot. Normally, I see the term "Yankee Imperialist" as commie propaganda, but Bush is trying to live up to it. We can handle Iraq alone well enough with missile strikes within two months, but if Bush is ignorant enough to attack N. Korea, we'll be "in the trenches" for three years at least, dodging nukes and human waves. I'm not a Democrat, so don't go there, I just don't see a justification. If he is going to send American men and women "over there" to fight and die, he better have a damn good justification. Goes to show what happens when your leader is not elected. BTW, what ever happened to Osama bin Laden? I thought he was the one behind 9/11, not Saddam Insane.