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Re: Getting Better At Multiplayer - Downloading Extra bits
[LoNe R@nGeR] is Offline
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Default Re: Getting Better At Multiplayer - Downloading Extra bits - 02-07-2003, 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by SgtRazorMagoo

This is my first post but I have a question. I was pretty crap online but I have been downloading some stuff to help me get better. So far, I have a kick-ass scope & a few other tricks. (I'm sure you guys use them!!)

Last night i was kicking ass online cos I lifted the fog - the poor guys didn't know where I was !!!

Does anyone know where I can get things to make me invisible - that sort of thing. I am quite good but this would be great. I know there is stuff available for Counterstrike but where can I get stuff here?

OK man, these "extra bits" are called cheats. Lifting fog is definately a cheat and invisibility is obvioiusly a cheat. The game isn't about getting good at any cost, its about getting good by playing a lot and having skill. You're analogy is not fair because this isn't real life it's a game, so therefore, if you have enhancing mods or cheats, then it is not a fair to the other players. If you are kicking there ass with cheats, that is not alright. Saying "i use cheats to win so that's fine, everyone else could get them if they want" is just stupid. think about it for a while

man, why don't we just kill all of these people and get them out of the gene pool.