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Dr. Panzernacker is Offline
Posts: 59
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Castle von Panzernacker, Virginia
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Default 02-07-2003, 11:25 AM

Originally posted by SgtRazorMagoo:

This is my first post but I have a question. I was pretty crap online but I have been downloading some stuff to help me get better. So far, I have a kick-ass scope & a few other tricks. (I'm sure you guys use them!!)

Last night i was kicking ass online cos I lifted the fog - the poor guys didn't know where I was !!!

Does anyone know where I can get things to make me invisible - that sort of thing. I am quite good but this would be great. I know there is stuff available for Counterstrike but where can I get stuff here?


you don't even deserve to be in ma country you retarD oOo: ! go back to frigga counter-strike where you belong!
hell, you don't even know what cheating is! get outta ma country bitch! eatthis: