I hed to add.. sorry -
02-07-2003, 01:54 PM
I'm sorry I just had to add to this..lmao first he says we need to get skill to beat his enhancements,,,, then he says he beats use because his enhamcements give him skill, ....they do not give you skill buddy,
As far as comparing your caugh Addons with reality's of war,,, well dont think the germans perfected fog cutters, laser lockons and and xray vision,
invisability??? did the germans have that??
let me put it a way you might understand, cause i think your brain needs an enhancement, a horse runs alot faster then a man... but they wont let me ride mine in a football game, why not .. i think riding my horse should be allowed, its my horse and it would allow me to score everytime.. just give me the ball. The other team might get upset ... why ??
how are you at bowling .. do you run up a nd knock all the pins down with your feet ... then jump up and down cause you got a strike.. why use the ball, feet are so much better,
I like your ideas of skill, infact i'll send the ideas to saterday night live maybe they can make a sketch
Just my thoughts, sorry to waste my breath,