02-07-2003, 02:22 PM
Antihero won $62.00 bucks for his effort. he played really well. For a minute i thought he was gonna lose......lol cuz it was tied and he came back and took it. Heres the screenshot [url:d5411]http://www.extremeclangaming.com/modules/My_eGallery/gallery/images/contest.gif[/url:d5411] if you guys wanna check it out. We had a few probs cuz the damn server didnt want to go to FFA, me and antihero tried for like 30 min but the BIATCH didnt wanna cooperate. And yes he won and is going to get a money order for $62.00 cuz he doesnt have PayPal....lol! but Oh Well. I guess now all of you can wait for a post from him to see if he actually got it, but I assure he will. We have a PAY4PLAY contest coming up this Thursday, so if you guys wanna come on in and try it, please do. I can't stress enough to you that we are not trying to scam anyone (read the posts on our messageboard) we just want to offer a different alternative to reg playing. Ask Antihero, its a different kinda rush! So please, if your interested come by and sign up!
Game On!