Thread: Ban me please
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Default 02-08-2003, 06:11 AM

Man, this is really very tragic. If your asking me to ban you, I'm not going too, I could, but I wont. Now, I asked you in the PM I just sent you to settle down and stop spamming. Is that request over the top ? To hard to carry out ? Hell, I've gotten plenty PMs about you, and Strikor (from I'm sure you can guess...and others). You both should be gone by now, infact, if this was any other forum, YOU WOULD BE. Now, unless you do something REALLY over the top, I'm not going to ban you. That would make me look like even more of an asshole to some people.

Now, settle the fuck down, and grow the fuck up. If you truly do want to stay here, act like it, if not, do something completely and utterly against the rules, after I have given you a warning, and then I will ban you. I think you've taken a few things rather too seriously Pyro. Gerard becoming a mod (and Gerard, I would appreciate it if you keep conversations about other forum members whom we are talking about to yourself....not very good on your part....), you blowing the whole thing out of was a joke mate, the way you acted turned the whole affair into nothing but a joke.

Now, if you would like to come back to I will have a talk to the person who banned you, under the condition that you stop acting the tard, the same goes for here.

I think I've made myself abundantly clear.....