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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-04-2002, 07:24 AM

Nope. Stalingrad is a pokey little map for sure, but it doesn't enable the players to run around like headless spasticated rabbkens. Sorry...a rabbken is a cross between a rabbit and a chicken. I have seen a few twats in MoH trying to import the Quake bunny-hop into MoH but fortunately it doesn't work very well.

Quake ain't a game, it's a sick travesty intended for retard junior-school drop-outs. I never would have had a problem with it except it sucked just about every PC game resource dryer than a desert. Magazines...quak quak quak. Online servers, nothing but quak. It was like a fuckin' plague. And for what?! A 'game' in which the players run around in garish uniforms at stupid speeds, jumping up and down as they go like spastic rabbits on coke, firing ridiculous weapons that even Flash Gordon would have been embarrassed to be seen with. A totally shite 'game' that only losers wanted to be any 'good' at. "Duh, I can't think, I can't plan, I have no brain to speak of...what game is there for me? Ah...Quake. All I have to do is react to stimuli like a chicken being zapped with a cattle-prod, and if I'm quick enough I'll win. Yay!"

Ahem. I guess I don't like quak much then.

Well, if I'm wrong I must be pretty hot shit at MoH. I don't die much, except when I get bored and steam in with the shotgun and take out three or four of the enemy before dying in a hail of bullets.

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