01-04-2002, 07:58 AM
Oh, and I don't like Quake at all either. It's far too spammy for my liking.
That doesn't mean that the players who do like it don't have any skill.
The guy who won the US championships didn't get there by simply having fast reflexes and a mentality of a narcotic poultry confection, as you like to put it.
I watched the demo of the final in which he won and half of the time he was predicting where his opponent was and out-witted him at pretty much every step.
Whatever game you play they all require skills to be the best.
The only game you could truly say doesn't require any skill or brains would be one set in an open room with no walls or objects in which two players stand in front of eachother shooting the same guns until one person died.
Add a wall to dodge around and instanly this pseudo game would require at least reflexes and awareness.
Whether you are running about Stalingrad blindly blasting players with a shotgun all day, or Tau-cannon wall/jumping/grenade/rpg spamming in Half-life, or flying through the air mindlessly in Q3 rail-gunning like-minded people it all takes skill.
You should stick to the games you enjoy. That's the most important thing here and, sadly, it seems you have forgotten that.
If you enjoy a game, play it. If you don't, don't.
If someone beats you all the time and you don't enjoy it, or can't be bothered to try to learn from it, go play elsewhere.
The person who rapes you continuously with 25 ping and the shotgun has just as much right to be there as you do.