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Default 01-04-2002, 08:49 AM

Yeh, you aren't listening.

By the way, any game allows everyone to master it completely. But I can tell you that no one ever does.

It hasn't happened yet.

What the hell are you going on about?

I am doing just fine in life at the moment, and I enjoy playing games in my spare time.

There is no direct correlation between being good at a game and having no social, or work-life.

Except in most cases those that do spend all their time playing games will be better than those who don't.

I know for a fact I haven't learnt everything about MoH already, but I would still be confident that I could beat you in a team-play or ffa situation.

Until i see other-wise I'll not believe you knwo everything about the game.

[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 04, 2002).]
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