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Posts: 54
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-04-2002, 06:21 AM

Siggi, I really enjoy reading your posts because they are funny, thoughtful, and well written, but buddy, you are way off on your claim that MOH or Quake proficiency takes no skill. Come on. Common sense tells me that some people are going to have faster reactions, better aim, steadier hands, better anticipation, and yes, greater grasp of tactics and placement.

Quake demands all these things, even though I agree with your criticisms of Quake; but still better players DO have better skills and that includes the ability to figure out when the other player is going to zig instead of zag.

The claim that it all comes down to computer set up and ping is so easily refutable. I have top of the line equipment and cable. I have OFTEN been beaten by people with inferior set ups.

As an example you say: > Playing MoH well is like playing checkers becomes automatic <

You ever read Edgar Allen Poe? He has a great essay defending checkers against chess. He claims that checkers takes much more skill and intelligence.

Keep posting, I enjoy reading you. But you are way wrong on this one.
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