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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-04-2002, 08:14 AM

Siggi says (finally): >I don't think I can any longer maintain that everyone reaches equality in this game, unless there simply hasn't been enough time yet<

This is a grudging admission that he was wrong. Thank you, Siggi!

Now looking at the rest of the post, and in fact the balance of Siggi's posts, this is what we find, Siggi saying things such as: >I guess I have to conclude that either the SS.SGW are MoH gods or all our opponents to date are just totally crap. Yes, it got so easy that I took to running down the road with a pistol in one hand and my dick in the other<

His posts are full of such comments, and these comments boil down to this: "I AM A STUD AT MOH!!"

I have no problem with this. I have no reason to doubt it. But Siggi, if the real reason for this thread is to boast, then please do so with out dissembling!
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