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Default 01-05-2002, 07:19 AM

How about washing windows, does that require skill? Or peeling an orange? Or playing MoH?

It's still my opinion that MoH takes no skill, but I have to modify or qualify that statement now by saying that the people I've seen playing it must be abnormal or playing under abnormal circumstances. If they can't master a game as simple as MoH there must be something wrong with either them, their hardware or their connection.

Air combat sims, the ones where you get no missiles, THEY are hard...some of them anyway. Any sim by MS is dreck.
Just staying alive in a WW2 or WW1 sim is hard, never mind getting kills in it. But it's a 3D environment which is exponentially harder to master than an FPS's 2D environment.

Somebody said the CS crowd had taken-over MoH online. I don't agree. I never saw ANY dominant players in CS, everyone had topped-out. And I've played on hundreds of different CS servers, against thousands of different players. I don't see that in MoH (suprisingly).
As for regarding anyone who beats me as a cheat...nuts. The only time I was getting beat in this game was before I knew about the skin pak and had invisible maggots whupping on me. Now I've got that sussed I'm not getting whupped anymore.
Aimbots...only the handicapped would actually need them. Once enough practice has been had with MoH accuracy is a breeze. Poor code?

What we may be seeing here is the effect of quak-style players having the brakes put on them. Reaction-gaming has been supplanted by thinking-gaming in's not enough to be good at running around like a headless chicken reacting to a cattle-prod. In MoH you do actually have to think about what you are doing. There isn't much to it after you've done that, admittedly, but it sure beats the crap out of quake. Beats the crap out of bunny-hopping CS too. The best thing about MoH is the bunny-hopping BS don't work. I've seen a few twats trying to import that style but they gave it up pretty quick.

Sniper rifle. You'll have to excuse me here but as far as I'm concerned the ONLY way anyone can be consistently good with it against MOVING targets is with an aimbot hack. Anyone who tells you different is a liar and probably a cheat. This isn't a skill thing, it's a code thing. Everyone I've spoken to at the cafe says there is something porked with the 'ballistics' model re the sniper rifle. If the target is static, no prob. MoH's laser-ballistics are fine. Otherwise forget it. probs. Ditto SMG's and StG44/BAR. Except the BAR has too little recoil.

MoH is extremely crude and presents little challenge. But it's fun, like Tony Hawks is fun on the PS1. I'll carry on playing it for light relief. I need that after flying an official Il2 mission.

I'll try and hook up with you guys via GameSpy some time.

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