Thread: Cheater's?
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Default Cheater's? - 02-12-2003, 03:00 AM

ICB clan KICKED and BANNED from ALL TWL ladders ed:

On Saturday night two members of OCG had a SH match with Clan ICB (in cold blood) Right before the match an OCG member/admin decided to do a dumpuser and guess what we saw?
dm_playermodel: allied_sas_n
dm_playergermanmodel: german_panzer_shutze_n

As you can see their skins show an ( n ) behind the skin's name. IE:german_panzer_shutze_n From OCG testing of cheats we know this is a Chameleon skin that when turned OFF renames the default skins and adds the ( n ) to the name. Needless to say our members not only took SS’s but also video taped their actions as well. We also went one step further and with our force screen shot script took a force SS on the two ICB members and after 40 min of WAITING we and the TWL admin got the SS of their models, but guess what their models where missing! In TWL rules it states ONLY DEFAULT SKINS can be used in league play! ICB wasn’t using the default skins and the TWL admin kicked and banned their entire team for CHEATING!!

Sounds like they got their just deserts!

From cp site!
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