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Gone Fishing : Confessions of RazorMagoo
SgtRazorMagoo is Offline
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Posts: 9
Join Date: Feb 2003
Default Gone Fishing : Confessions of RazorMagoo - 02-12-2003, 04:14 AM

Hello Guys,

I haven't posted very much here but I thought I had to follow up my earlier one on 'improving multiplayer'.

Wow - you guys are easy to fish. Of course I don't advocate cheating. There were a couple of folks there who realised I was fishing but reading your posts has given quite a few people hours of fun.

My point (and there is a point !) is this. Stop getting your knickers is such a twist about cheating - it is only a game & most of you guys are bound to be pretty good & I'm sure you don't cheat.

I agree with the guy who said that if you play on a regular server with the same guys - cheaters stick out a mile. And, I do agree it is lame when they go on a server beating the system with cheats. No real player really wants that.

I hope I have made my point - sorry about the method. People have helped me out in the past on this noticeboard but you guys are just so funny with your replies & pretty easy to fish.

Apologies to all.

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