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Default 01-05-2002, 02:05 AM

I said I have seen it done, and with a consistency that becomes of practice (and er, I also said that a lot of moving-moving sniping is luck)

I didn't say I've seen someone do it every shot. If you have then perhaps you should stop running out into the street

In fact I saw Rigz do a moving target snipe, while moving himself, just now.

You said that it's impossible, unless one cheats. I denied that.

You write well, but read badly.

Your statements about your own experience (CS et al) were the ones that made me think you could at least say something to back up your claims. That was when I actually thought you made some sense.

I didn't agree or disagree with them, because they are claims, until I see other-wise.

But they were a lot more rational ones than 'No one can beat the code, man'.

I don't try to, I just have fun playing the game. If you want to examine the code and work it all out that way, that's your perogative, mate.

You still haven't given us your name Did you want to play us or not?

All Seeing Eye is much more professional than Gamespy. By downloading it you'd be doing yourself a favour.

Main reasons why ASE is better:

* Scans all servers correctly, unlike Gspy which sometimes leaves player lists blank (more often than not actually).

* Has a much more intuitive user-interface for arranging server types and game types. Updates much faster, too.

* Buddy list that is always on, and searches all servers for the name constantly (unless you chose not to) - What this means is that you don't have to search the servers for that pokey little dot that Gspy gives you to show a buddy playing. Plus, as ASE scans properly you'll never miss a buddy.

* Each server's nationality is marked, be it UK or Argentina.

* Very competent filtration system. The country, players, ping, bots etc etc can all be filtered in, or out. Want a european server? Easy. Want an Albanian one? Just as easy.

There's more to it, but those are the main reasons I prefer it over Gspy. I'd download it as soon as you could.

You don't have to You can carry on using Gspy if you like, not my loss.

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