Thread: OMG WTF
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Default 02-12-2003, 05:46 AM

Originally Posted by pest
Originally Posted by Tripper
Dude - I don't know why you guys are getting pissed off with the gay pr0n...I mean, it saves you a trip to go find some....Do you like gay midget bondage or something? eek: oOo:
Thats why they have sites dedicate to that. So if you wnat to see that crap, you can go there. If not, you stay away.

I have never said this about anyone else here, but that dude needs to be banned. Actually, he needs his ass kicked and then he needs to be banned. Thats pure horse shit.
You mean the guy who changed my sig into gay porn. Dude I didnt fucking do that shit and I havent seen it either since the forum was closed. Apparently someone must have hacked or something, dont know. I guess it was lowtax from Why dont you bitch it to him.
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