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Cheat Skins - too funny
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Default Cheat Skins - too funny - 02-12-2003, 08:25 AM

Last night, me and a couple buddies were yapping on the phone (3 way). Two of us were trying to convince the 3rd that he needed to get UT2k3. He is hardcore MOHAA and probably the best non-cheating player I know, he gets accused of cheating by the guys sitting on top of some of the biggest ladders. But to prove a point, I challenge him to a private match, with the othe guy hosting. I downloaded and installed the chameleon skins before we start. After we played even for a while and I figured out how to use the skins to my advantage, I beat him down like a rented mule. Those things are so unfair. It was too funny listening to him whine until he finally figured out something wasnt right. He got so mad, I think he is done with medal of honor.

Now this is the best guy I know, on top of his game, and I havent played the game 3 times in the last 2 months and I made him look like a chump. Now, before anyone gets all bent out of shape, let me say this, I dont cheat. I have never used these skins on a public server, and I dont really play the game anymore. Flame away, threaten, whatever, its irrelevant, but this cheat is a deal breaker, without something solid from EA, the game is through. But I have to admit, it was pretty fun demonstrating it to my buddy.
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