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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Posts: 123
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-05-2002, 07:35 AM

I strongly suspect that the honest players are in a definite minority these days. FPS's were hack-infiltrated a long time ago and it's practically traditional to arm yourself with one. Combat has become more about who's got the best hack rather than who's got the most 'skill'.

It's a very sad state of affairs, and probably explains why earlier attempts to introduce online tournaments for this genre have quietly vanished. Nobody of any repute can be arsed any longer to make the effort for a tourney that would be nothing more than a shallow farce.

No worries. I'm a simmer, and apparently we have a sim that is hack-proof. Ahem. We'll see. While we're finding that out we're having a blast in the Virtual Eastern Front mega-multi-player online war. Don't ask me for details, we try to keep it under wraps. Why? Lol. Think about it for a minute or two and I'm sure you'll figure it out.


[This message has been edited by SS.SGW-Siggi (edited January 05, 2002).]
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