[quote="Bazooka_Joe":2010e]The point is it dosen't matter if you used them for a joke or for a kill. If you are an admin and used them to track another player using them, that's a different story. Otherwise, PLEASE don't post about cheats. Next thing you know, people will be asking all about these skins again, and Pming you on where to get them. hake:[/quote:2010e]
You know joe, I have been trying to stay out of the current joe bashing trend, but you have set yourself up for a bit of it. What makes an admin any more "trustworthy" than me? He's just as likely to turn these skins loose in the wild as I am. Look at what is happening to your "respected" clans and ladders. And I have been an admin before and for all practical purposes, I was an admin when I was using hte skins. I choose the maps, time limit, etc, I just had my buddy type the commands.
Dont post about cheats? Uhhh....ok. Where have you been, or better yet, where has your head been? Ignorance is bliss, right? It was much better when people were accusing anyone that could master a 3 round burst of using an aimbot. CS was much more fun when you couldn't figure out how that guy with the knife could always sneak up on you. Damn, he was good.

And anyone that cant find these skins on their own, would not know how to install them anyway.
The truth of the matter is that EA would rather soak their more naive fan base for a new MOH 2 than provide support for the two games out now. They are getting what they deserve with the cheats that are out and on the way. I am just the messenger, and far from the only one.