02-12-2003, 07:36 PM
Ya know, try running this forum sometime. About 80% of it people complaining about Spearhead. If you don't like the game, don't play it. Don't whine here about. 20% is people honestly looking for help, giving help and offering decent advice. SH is far from perfect, but it is still a great game. Joe has got a thankless job in keeping this board going. He's doing a credible job even though there is no server to help support this message board site. I have found this board useful, but it is what you all make it. This is a good site for mods and some tech support for the game that you are not going to get from EA. Plus, people here really love this game and have become very knowledgeable about it.
So, lay off on Joe. He's not perfect, but nobody is. He is willing to keep this going otherwise it would cease to exist.
Thanks Joe ! eatthis: