Thread: Joe bashers...
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Bazooka_Joe is Offline
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Default 02-12-2003, 07:45 PM

Tnx guys, it's nice to see some support once in awhile, rather than bashing. I think i've made enough speeches about why I lock threads, and why I delete posts, so I'm not going to go through it again. I'll leave it at this though:

If something is posted that either myself, or another moderator do not approve of, more than likely it will be locked or deleted, with proper reason. If you feel that a thread was locked/deleted for an unjust reason, simply PM a mod about it, and you can perhaps talk it out. Solidus did this the other night with me, and he was able to get some answers. Also, Strik0r, I think, PM'ed me one time about a thread that was locked when it started out as a flame war, then ended up being a detailed conversation, so I was able to unlock it.

Mods are not gods, or anyone who have more power than anyone else who posts here. It's just that we want to keep this community respectable for all ages. To do this, try to keep a "Rated PG-10" state of mind, rather than "Rated PG-13 to R". You all should know the rules, so just please try to follow them, and they're won't be a problem.

Tnx again for the support guys. biggrin:

PS: Moved Offtopic! (hehe)

PSS: Jasper, is TS2 down?? I haven't been able to connect since yesterday.
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